Startseite Aktuelles Neuigkeiten Guidelines for the use of cytometry
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Guidelines for the use of cytometry

Dear friends of cytometry,

We are very pleased to announce that the second edition of the Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies is published in the European Journal of Immunology Volume 49, Issue 10 (special issue). We at the DRFZ have been instrumental in developing these Guidelines. They should also serve as guidelines for these technologies at the DRFZ and they should be cited in all publications of the DRFZ in which flow cytometry and cell sorting have been used.

Link to the issue:

The updates include:

  • New methods i.e. inflammasome detection and single cell genomics
  • Detailed data analysis
  • More cell phenotypes and assays

The Guidelines are an excellent resource for:

  • Flow cytometry
  • Multiparameter flow cytometry
  • CyTOF
  • Imaging cytometry

Before you start your experiments: Read the Guidelines!

When you write a manuscript: Refer to the Guidelines!


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