Home Latest News Seminars Franziska Szelinski: B cell subsets in Systemic lupus erythematosus
May 20

Franziska Szelinski: B cell subsets in Systemic lupus erythematosus


Research Group

Dörner lab

Event date

Tuesday, 26 May 2020 || Time: 9:15


We succeeded with our first online-DRFZ Institute Seminar.

Thanks to the more than 50 participants, thanks for your discipline and spirit!

Also a big thank you to the ones who provided feedback afterwards which helps us to improve our performance!

Registration & Contact

  • People participating while sitting in their DRFZ offices: if possible, use your private computers with headsets
  • Logon starts at 9:00, to test technical things

Participants there – who want to address questions to the presenter – have to talk directly into the microphone to guarantee, that online listeners do hear the questions in good quality, too.

As always, we appreciate your feedback.

You can find our data security policy for the use of Zoom at the DRFZ here:


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