Home Latest News News Max Löhning wird neuer Vorsitzender des Stiftungsrates der Schering Stiftung
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Max Löhning to be appointed Chair of the Foundation Council of the Ernst Schering Stiftung

Prof. Dr. Max Löhning from the DRFZ and the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin will become  Chair of the Foundation Council of the Schering Stiftung as of 1 April 2023.

The Schering Stiftung is an independent and non-profit foundation established in 2002 by the Schering AG in Berlin. The Foundation promotes life sciences, contemporary art as well as scientific and cultural education and thus represents an interface between art and science. The Foundation Council allocates funds twice per year and consists of high-ranking representatives from the fields of art, science and business.

Press Release Schering Stiftung
Max Löhning Appointed Chair of the Foundation Council of the Schering
Pitzer Lab Osteoarthritis Research Prof. Dr. Max Löhning Phone +49/ 30/ 28460-760, Lab: -700/-711/-729 loehning@drfz.de more
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