Home Latest News News Lisa Budzinski wird Deutsche Meisterin beim Science Slam
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Lisa Budzinski is crowned German Science Slam Champion

9.12.2022, Hamburg. At the Science Slam final, Lisa Budzinski won over the Hamburg audience with her witty and enthusiastic presentation of her research work. With 652 votes from almost 1600 science enthusiasts in the sold-out Hamburg Laeiszhalle, the biotechnologist prevailed over seven competitors from the natural sciences.

The idea of a ScienceSlam is to give scientists have the chance to win over a lay audience by explaining their research projects in 10 minutes.

Lisa Budzinski from the Schwiete lab for Microbiota and Inflammation at the DRFZ did exactly this with her presentation on how she creates intestinal bacteria “fingerprints” from stool sample analyses and how this allows her to draw conclusions about certain disease patterns. She presented her research for the first time three years ago at the “Kaffeeklatsch mit Wissenschaft”. In the then digital format, initiated by the Natural History Museum Berlin, scientists shared their scientific work over a cup of coffee with Franziska Sattler. This was followed by countless Science Slam participations such as the first Science Slam of the Leibniz PhD Network, at the TWIN University Science Slam in Yekaterinburg and on the Care&Share Tour in cooperation with the Techniker Krankenkasse. In October 2022, Lisa Budzinski became East German Champion at the TU Dresden, which secured her place in the final.

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